May 22, 2010

What?!! Not accepted!

I guess it is not so easy to get your art into the fair. Neither of my paintings was accepted by the jury judge, some Joan Moment who is a professor at Sac State. I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised as there were over a thousand entries and only about a dozen watercolors could be accepted. But I'm not used to rejection when it comes to my art. I keep imagining this judge looking at my technique with disdain. Or maybe thinking my subject matter is so old-fashioned.

So I signed up for a watercolor class at SCC for the summer. Unfortunately, I am 5th on the waiting list, so I may be disappointed. But I'll be there with my fingers crossed on July 7th.

Also, dear readers (if there are any of you out there), that rose painting turned out rather well in the end, so I am going to post it. I like the fuzziness of the lower petals quite well.

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